Salesforce Makes Indianapolis Home

Indianapolis has been buzzing with anticipation and excitement since the San Francisco based enterprise cloud computing giant, Salesforce, announced that it would be expanding its regional headquarters on Monument Circle in Indianapolis. Salesforce purchased ExactTarget in 2013 and acquired nearly 1,400 employees, with that number projected to greatly increase in the coming years. This project aims to consolidate the current and future employees into a central location and create a flagship building. Salesforce will be rebranding, renaming, and renovating Indianapolis’ largest building, the Chase Tower, at 111 Monument Circle and has selected Shiel Sexton as Construction Manager. Salesforce Tower in Indianapolis will be one of 18 regional headquarters worldwide, and this exciting expansion will create hundreds of jobs, an incredibly innovative office space, and will spur continued growth in downtown Indianapolis. The expansion will also attract other companies and potential employees to the area while solidifying Indy’s presence in the tech market. In addition to being a leader in technology, Salesforce strives to be a leader and model in sustainability. Their efforts can be seen throughout the company, from their energy and carbon conserving cloud platform, environmentally responsible business operations, and their building practices. Shiel Sexton is proud to be a part of this LEED® Gold building project.  As Construction Manager, Shiel Sexton will renovate thirteen floors as part of the $35 million, three-phrase project, expected to reach completion in 2018. According to John Zissimos, Chief Creative Officer at Salesforce, Salesforce works to meet the needs and expectations of their customers, who “are not looking for products, features, or gimmicks; they’re looking for a complete and effortless customer experience,” (Salesforce, 2016). Much in the same, Shiel Sexton’s goal is to make the building process a rewarding experience for everyone involved. We are excited to be working alongside a company that will bring great things to Indianapolis and help the city continue to grow. The SCOOP | October 2016 | More from this Issue