Wrapping up 2018 Safety Training

Shiel Sexton prides itself in having a world-class safety program. Covering more than 28 different safety training topics annually, Shiel Sexton and our subcontractors can attend an expert-led safety training class nearly every week. An estimated 1,900 people attended classes offered in 2018, which exceeds last year’s attendance of 1,475. This year 122 Shiel Sexton employees have already completed all Core 9 classes. These nine courses serve as the base safety competency for our employees and must be completed every two years by each Shiel Sexton employee. See the list of classes to the left. Each week, training classes are held at the Indianapolis office and specific trainings can be completed onsite for employees and subcontractors. Since January, 65 subcontractor guests have joined our classes. It is imperative that our employees and subcontractors are knowledgeable and aware on the jobsite so that each person makes it home at the end of the day. Just as our industry changes, safety awareness does as well.  Ray Lake, Corporate Safety Director at Shiel Sexton, explains an example of this change,
“The Final Rule for a reduction in silica exposure was put in place in March 2016.This new requirement significantly reduced the permissible exposure to respirable silica.Silica is found in numerous different building materials, such as concrete, mortar, rock and sand.Respirable silica are smaller particles that are produced when these materials are cut, sawed, crushed or drilled. Breathing respirable silica can cause significant health side effects, such as cancer and silicosis. At Shiel Sexton, we put forth a plan to update our training program and also perform task-based sampling and monitoring of activities that are suspect to producing respirable silica. We have effectively trained all employees within our organization to keep them safe and current on ever changing laws and regulations.”
We hope to continue to grow our attendance and participation numbers even more next year. Thank you to everyone that has participated in the safety training classes this year, and the last Core 9 class that’s offered this year will be on Wednesday, November 21st, covering fire prevention. Make sure to schedule time in your calendar to refresh your memory or learn something new!  Interested in scheduling a class?  Contact Arev Miller at (317) 423-6055.  