The Ball is Rolling on the North Residence Project

Shiel Sexton is currently managing the Ball State University North Residence project – a $75 million, three-phase project that will significantly change student living and the overall quality of campus life. This large project can be broken down into three major components: McKinley Avenue reconfiguration, new residence hall, and new dining facility. The first phase of work, McKinley Avenue reconfiguration, is currently underway and will be complete in August 2018. The new five-story residence hall, which will house 500 students, will break ground August 2018 and wrap up in February 2020. The 65,000 SF stand-alone dining facility will accommodate more than 800 students and will feature an eight-section mini-restaurant, offering a wide selection of food choices. It is expected to begin July 2018 and finish in December 2019.

“We are creating a 21st century living-learning environment for our students,” said Ball State President Geoffrey S. Mearns. “In the coming years, we will continue to add more facilities to ensure a welcoming new home for students and the educational resources they deserve.”
Shiel Sexton is excited to see the landscape of Ball State University change once more with the construction of this extensive project. The SCOOP | March 2018 | More from this issue