The Art of Building on a Tight Site
Nestled in the upscale neighborhood of Myers Park, known for its tree-lined streets and curvilinear drives, you’ll find 511 Queens, a 64-unit apartment complex under construction. The intimate 1.5-acre site is bounded by Theatre Charlotte to the north and grand homes adjacent to the rest of the site. Faison, the developer, identified this area as being ideal for large, exquisitely appointed apartment units.
Tight site constraints dictate just-in-time delivery because the site is void of laydown and staging areas for storage of materials. This circumstance requires intense hour-by-hour coordination of manpower, deliveries and hoisting to manage the challenging logistical issues. According to Chris Tarwater, project superintendent, “Preplanning is key. We work with the subcontractors to understand what materials and equipment they need and what area on the job they will be working. We then schedule deliveries and work areas accordingly. We have many moving parts in a small space, so communication and comraderies are important. It is a team effort.”
There is very little buffer between the site and road, so it is imperative to keep the roadway clear, clean and safe. According to John Matson, project manager, “I know every homeowner along Queens Road because I know they want clean roads and minimal construction traffic. We work overtime to make sure everyone knows we will take care of the neighborhood. Keeping the homeowners happy is good for our client, and I want what is good for my client.”
The key to building on a tight site? Open communication. Things are constantly changing on a construction site; therefore, the team has to know and communicate what’s going on so everyone is well-informed. Shiel Sexton builds for clients who expect more, and 511 Queens is a great example of our team fulfilling that promise.
The Messenger Newsletter | March 2017 | Shiel Sexton Carolinas