Shiel Sexton Awarded the W. Burr Bennett Award for Safety Excellence

Shiel Sexton received the incredible W. Burr Bennett Award for Safety Excellence from the American Society of Concrete Contractors. There are only two awards given annually, and Shiel Sexton Concrete is honored to be recognized for going above and beyond safety expectations. This award recognizes four things:
  • Shiel Sexton’s commitment to the safety of all employees and their families
  • A reflection of our company culture and our devotion to the EXPECT MORE mission
  • Safety Manager, Courtney Smith, will be featured in an article in Concrete Construction Magazine
  • Shiel Sexton will become a benchmark for other ASCC members to strive toward
Project Executive, Tim Brogan, and Project Manager, Clint Steffan along with Courtney Smith represented Shiel Sexton Concrete at the American Society of Concrete Contractor’s annual conference recognized by the American Society of Concrete Contractors’ Safety & Risk Management Council in Charlotte, NC. In addition to this award, Shiel Sexton also received awards for Zero Lost Time due to incidents, and Recognition for lowering incident rates from the previous year at the ceremony. Thank you to Courtney for taking the time to create and submit this award!

Congratulations for winning the W. Burr Bennett Award! What does this award mean to you?

Courtney: “Since working at other construction companies in the past, this award reminds me how proud I am to work for Shiel Sexton that always puts safety first.”

How long have you been in the construction/safety field?

Courtney: “I’ve worked in construction for 16 years and Safety for 12– two being with Shiel Sexton.”

Now that you’ve received this award, what goals do you have for the future of Shiel Sexton Safety that was inspired by this award?

Courtney: “I would like to continue to push training, such as field training in specific areas on the tasks we perform. Another goal is to continue to keep injuries down.”

At Shiel Sexton, safety is our top priority. We recognize the benefit safety brings to the construction process and have fully embraced our role in bringing that benefit to the owner, contractors and above all, the employees working on our projects. We are so incredibly proud of Courtney and our entire safety division for representing our company with the utmost professionalism and pride.  