Riley Radiothon Success!

Partnering with WKOA K-105 FM out of Lafayette, Indiana, Riley Children’s Foundation held a radiothon on Thursday, August 20th and SSCares was there to help!  Over 30 volunteers comprised of Shiel Sexton employees and friends, signed up for shifts throughout the day to man the phones and document donations to the nationally-ranked pediatric hospital, Riley Hospital for Children at IU Health in Indianapolis, Indiana. The event hit particularly close to home for Shiel Sexton Assistant Project Manager, Nick Schellinger.  As a former youth patient of Riley, Nick was the bounding force that gathered and coordinated the volunteers for the day.  Nick expressed his sentiments of Riley Hospital, “There’s something special about Riley Children’s Hospital, and too often we take that for granted that it is in our own backyard. The earliest memories I have of my life involve being wheeled away from my parents down to surgery, but I never felt scared.  The biggest stuffed animals you can imagine and red wagon trips to get cafeteria for chocolate milk at all hours, those are the things I remember. In the midst of everything going on back then, I can’t recall one bad memory. Not one. We will forever love Riley for what they have done and what they will always continue to do and that is making miracles come true.” At the end of the day, almost $50,000 was raised and 78 miracle makers were signed up!  A miracle maker is anyone that donates $15 or more on a scheduled, monthly basis. The teams at Riley Foundation, WKOA and SSCares couldn’t be more proud!  Thanks to everyone that participated and all of those that donated!  As a special reminder of the benefits of your time and monetary donations, we encourage you to watch this inspiring video featuring Riley patients, employees, family members and volunteers.  Watch the Riley Fight Song.