Importance of Construction Safety Week

  • #Construction, 
  • #ExpectMore, 
  • #ShielSexton

Why Shiel Sexton celebrates Construction Safety Week...

Frankly, the construction industry can be a dangerous field to work in at times. While being safe in the workplace should be a top priority in every organization, this especially rings true to the construction industry. That is why we are proud to recognize the importance of safety in the workplace and why we must continually find ways to keep construction workers safe. 

But first, let’s dive into the reasons why establishing safety programs and practices is important in the construction industry, which OSHA Training identifies as:

  • Helps prevent workplace injuries
  • Reduces costs
  • Increases productivity amongst workers
  • Improves compliance with laws

Having established practices and protocols in place helps construction firms in a multitude of ways. Not only does it help reduce workplace injuries, but it also helps reduce costs associated with injuries. In addition, these protocols help increase productivity levels for construction workers as they are aware of how to be safe in their role which in turn helps the firm be in compliance with safety regulations. 

At Shiel Sexton, we have a safety program that provides preventative training, project specific safety plans, emergency action plans, and weekly safety audits to ensure each project team has the tools necessary to be safe on the job. 

We strive to provide our construction workers and teams with the safest working environment possible, and we are thankful to celebrate Construction Safety Week each year!
