Grace Church Taking Shape

With steel currently being erected, the structure is taking shape for Grace Church in Fishers, IN.  Sitework on the 25-acre lot located at the corner of 126th and Olio Road has been mostly developed with stone laid for parking lots and the retention pond dug.  In addition to the steel erection, subcontractors onsite are working on installing underground electrical and plumbing with the framing of the exterior walls beginning the end of this week.  The next major milestone for the project will be the pouring of interior concrete scheduled for the end of February after the walls and roof are complete. The 64,000 SF facility is the second location for members of Grace Church and includes a 750-seat worship auditorium as well as classrooms and multifunction space for youth and mission activities.  Each project has its own unique set of challenges and for Grace Church, “the audio/visual and lighting will be the powerhouse on this project,“ states Mike Anderson, Sr Project Manager at Shiel Sexton.  Sound considerations will play a major role during interior construction as the design of the auditorium replicates a performance hall to ensure each visitor of Grace Church fully experiences their services with lights, projection screens and impressive sound.  Idibri, the acoustician for the project, and project architect, Callahan Studios, have already begun collaborations to ensure every detail is accounted for prior to interior construction. Construction is progressing on schedule, and Grace Church is scheduled to have a dedication ceremony at the end of 2016 for their new campus.  The congregation is excited to transition from their temporary Fishers home in Hamilton Southeastern High School to a new permanent facility. The Fishers campus isn’t Shiel Sexton’s first project with Grace Church.  Shiel Sexton has been a long-time partner for the church as the construction manager for the first location in Noblesville, Indiana, in 1997.  Almost 10 years later, the Shiel Sexton team was called upon again for the expansion of the Noblesville campus to include an additional sanctuary to seat 1,600 and common space for fellowship opportunities. Shiel Sexton is proud to continue this long-term relationship with Grace Church as they pursue additional campus locations in order to further their mission and goodwill.