Celebrating 10 Years in the Queen City

Shiel Sexton founded its southeast regional operation in 2007 in Charlotte. I relocated to Charlotte in April 2007 during the best real estate market in history. Little did we know a year later we would be reeling from a deep recession that has tested Charlotte’s resilience. A decade later, we are thriving and growing. Seven things I have learned or observed over the past decade:
  • I have yet to eat at Pinky’s – It is irresponsible of me to not eat at a building that has a pink, vintage VW Bug on the roof of a dive bar. I will check this off my bucket list in 2017. We have good diversity of food options around Charlotte.
  • Charlotte does what’s good for business – CLT has its challenges and tensions, but leaders and citizens seem to find a way to move our commerce and business agenda forward; it is in our DNA dating back to the original gold rush in Mecklenburg County in the early 1800’s.
  • North Carolina has 44 more days of sun than Indiana - Wow does it make a difference when it gets into the short days of winter. Hard to land in a US city that rivals the climate we enjoy in Charlotte.
  • Charlotte has an incredible commitment to philanthropy and community support - We are fortunate to have generations of leaders who do not turn their back on social justice and addressing issues that limit our opportunity. The Opportunity Task Force (www.leadingonopportunity.org) is a good example of us putting energy behind building a better Charlotte.
  • Avoid I-77 and I-85 if at all possible – there is a great argument for alternative modes of transportation as our interstates and roads are undersized for the city we have become. I am all for bike lanes and more light rail! Legislators – please allocate resources to improve our infrastructure.
  • Quality over quantity – Charlotte is a great place to live, work, raise kids (or not); we have an array of amenities, lifestyles, and attributes that are unique to the South. Living well is better than “world-class” in my opinion. We don’t need to be something we are not suited to be.
  • This place is a melting pot of people – I am amazed at how many people move to Charlotte from somewhere outside of North Carolina. It is truly a transient community predominantly fueled by corporate assets and an extraordinary airport. However, I think we have too many Steelers fans – Go Panthers!
The Messenger Newsletter | August 2017 | Shiel Sexton Carolinas